Types of hooks on fishing – Ways to release the hook

Not every fisherman can hold the catch when a hook occurs, at this moment, almost everyone understands that the loss is inevitable and the fish will have time to dodge. If we consider performing competent actions, then such a situation can be avoided, while not only keeping the fish in our hands, but also not damaging the fishing tools. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right method so as to avoid snagging.

First of all, a person must find out the cause of the hold, while there are several factors for which such a situation occurs. Hooks are of several types, first of all they occur due to a hard object, for example, a log or a lot of debris. Also, hooks occur due to stones or branches, grass and net.

If the fisherman is caught on an object, then this problem must be solved immediately so as not to spoil the process. Methods exist for every type of hold and are worth considering.

Methods for releasing from hooks

If a hook occurs in the place where the hook is to be used, then force is an effective way to use it. In such places, the object unbends well and will not break, even if you use physical force. In a situation of hooks, the bait will be pulled out of the reservoir by force, while the hook will be reinforced.

If the fishing took place on the edge, then the device must be shifted to one side. This will help to pull the fish closer and thus the person will be able to free themselves from the hook.

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It happens that fishermen use good tackle for predators, and if shallow depth prevails, then the prick method will be the most effective to get rid of the problem. In this case, the angler should strike lightly on the engagement area, but not hard.

The method in the form of a loop can be suitable during the process of fishing, when there is a current. In this case, the drum is lowered 10 meters, after the tension has passed, you need to make a sharp cut. And when jerking, the hook will come up to the side of the toe territory. If you carefully and carefully approach the process of saving the catch, then the fish will be in the hands of a person.

There is also a bow method, which is used when the grip is due to the stone. The rod should be positioned 90 degrees to the hook and pulled, then released sharply. The resulting jerks will help to release the fish, but the main thing is to dodge during the time, so that when the predator is released, make a stretch. This will save the fish. If the hooks are due to a tree, then you can use the pendulum method, in this case, the bait will easily swing and slowly release from the string. When the fish deviates into the territory a little further, then you need to make a sharp dash.
If one of the hooks happens, then with the use of a competent technique, you can not give up the catch, but carefully bring it closer, and then returning home will not be empty-handed. It should be borne in mind that each method is suitable only for the individual reason for the hook, you must carefully study the instructions and, if necessary, apply.

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