Choosing a tent for winter fishing: what to look for?

Ice fishing is a hobby of a huge number of anglers all over the world. The conditions in which winter fishing takes place can hardly be called comfortable: frost, snow, wind. Sometimes you have to wait more than one hour for the fish to approach, and all this time must be spent in such “favorable conditions”. In order for the unity with nature to take place in a more pleasant environment, you must have a special tent in the assortment of your equipment. With her, you can sit at the hole for a long time, without discomfort and taking care of your health.

Features of Winter Fishing Tents

What should you pay special attention to when choosing a winter tent? If you think about it, the greatest inconvenience while sitting over the hole is caused by the piercing wind. Based on this, the main characteristic for any tent will be the density of the material, which prevents the penetration of the wind inside. Most of the modern tent designs are made of fabrics that match the parameters. The difficulty in choosing is to find a tent that provides air circulation in the interior. Failure to observe this condition will lead to the formation of condensation on the surfaces and their subsequent icing.

Tent selection criteria

The choice of models in stores is very large, according to what parameters to select a specimen suitable for a particular fisherman – this question is asked by most buyers. In addition, due attention must be paid to the workmanship and appearance.

The main criteria for selecting the desired sample should be:

  • internal volume;
  • the purpose of the acquisition – it is possible to use it during the day, then protection from precipitation and wind is necessary;
  • application for multi-day rest – in this case, it is necessary to be able to spend the night on ice.

Design features of tents

There are a number of characteristics that you must pay attention to when buying:

  1. Build speed.
  2. The composition of the raw materials used.
  3. Simplicity of design.
  4. The ability to withstand external natural influences.
  5. Price.
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Purpose and volume of internal space

Small weight and size are typical for tents used for short-term, one-day ice excursions. In addition, the installation duration, the ability to withstand external influences, the ability to maintain mobility during the entire fishing time are immediately taken into account.

Tent dimensions

There are one, two and three-person tent samples, so it is necessary to determine in advance whether the fishing session will be held with family or friends, or the angler is inclined to spend time in nature in splendid isolation.

The number of places is indicated in the product description, but in some cases this information may be incorrect. So, if the tent is two meters in diameter, most likely it is intended for one angler, if more – you can be sure that two will fit. In a situation where there is a desire to fish with a company of three to four people, you need four meters of free space in the cross section.

A single-seat design includes no more than four guides, and a two- or three-seat design includes no less than six. From this we can conclude that the latter samples have increased resistance to external influences.

Quickly erected tents

When it is supposed to be active fishing, with fishing several points, constant movement on the ice, you need to think about purchasing an automatic tent. The fabric in such a device is attached to the frame with a special mechanism that allows you to mount the product in a new place in a matter of seconds. This explains the name. Most of these products sold in the retail network are of Chinese origin and have a low price. The disadvantage of tents – machines – low reliability of mechanisms, mediocre strength and stability.

Two-layer models

Considering the extreme conditions of ice fishing, it is preferable to use tents with an additional inner layer. In addition to the outer layer of fabric, one more awning is attached to them on the inside. The result of the application of such a constructive solution will be a more comfortable stay temperature. Despite the high price, the additional costs will pay off during operation.

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Tent mobility

The extra weight and dimensions of the packaging significantly hamper the fisherman when moving through the icy expanses, so it is very important to choose the most compact specimens. Although this will require additional expenses, they will not be superfluous and will greatly facilitate the life of the angler.

Assembly – disassembly

An important point is the speed of installation and assembly of the product. By generally accepted standards, installation should take no more than thirty-five seconds, and dismantling should take about seven minutes.

Heat saving characteristics

The main requirement for the material of manufacture is water and water resistance, high-quality weaving of the fabric. If these parameters are met, then in any weather the tent will be warm and comfortable.

Base design

The metal skeleton of the product must be made of durable materials with low weight. Most often used for production:

  • aluminum;
  • synthetic raw materials.

The mechanisms used to impart resilience are divided into:

  • umbrella;
  • based on a frame made of arcs.

The type of mechanism chosen is not important, the main thing is strength and stability.

Terms of use of the tent

In winter, an important condition is the possibility of heating the inner space of the tent. Therefore, a space is needed to install the heater. For these purposes, various fuels and devices are used: dry fuel kerosene gas; gas stoves; candles.

At the same time, ventilation must be ensured, otherwise combustion products will accumulate in the air, the amount of oxygen will decrease, which will adversely affect the well-being of the angler.

The simplest methods are: a candle inside or a can of dry fuel. With a slight frost, this is more than enough. The first method will allow you to heat the air in the tent, and the second, in addition to heating, will make it possible to boil tea.

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Advantages and disadvantages of fishing in a tent

There are only three advantages:

  1. Having a warm place to stay on the ice, the tent provides a sufficient level of comfort such that gloves can be omitted if additional heating is available.
  2. The complete absence of wind, thus, eliminates the negative combination of frost and wind, which gives a feeling of extreme cold even with a slight decrease in temperature.
  3. The “conspiratorial” function of the tent – behind the tarpaulin walls, others cannot see what kind of bait, fishing rod the fisherman uses, how successful the casts are and how much he has already caught. This will save you from annoying neighbors who are ready to drill a hole right next to the fishing spot. disadvantages

Despite the many positive aspects, such ice fishing also has negative properties:

  1. Decreased mobility in comparison with the tentless method, because it is much more difficult to move with a tent, this limits the number of points caught by the fisherman.
  2. Increased fatigue when moving, since the fisherman has a bunch of other equipment, and clothes do not contribute to freedom of movement, and if you add a solid catch here, then the weight may turn out to be too heavy.
  3. Low view from the tent, although the angler is hidden behind the fabric walls from others, he also sees only the area directly in front of the entrance. Thus, he himself is deprived of the opportunity to constantly monitor the state of affairs of his neighbors.

After studying all the parameters of the purchased product, the angler will probably easily be able to choose the desired sample, and its operation during fishing will bring only positive emotions and make it possible to achieve a huge catch. In this case, the process will take place in a warm place, without wind, snow, with hot, sweet tea and without the annoying glances of those around, less successful fishermen.

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