description, types, recipes and installation of tackle

On hot days or in unfavorable weather conditions, the carp goes into the pits, it becomes lazy and inactive. Professional carp anglers know that you can only lure fish from the depths with something tasty. Therefore, dusty boilies are often used, since they can spread the smell of the bait over long distances. In this case, the aroma is needed such that the carp could not resist it.

Soluble boilies: description and features of use

By and large, this is the same ordinary nozzle (mainly from the drowning series). But the difference is that when it gets into the reservoir, the boilies begin to gradually dissolve. As a result, small fractions begin to separate from the ball, creating an attractive aroma for carp. And here many are interested in how to catch a trophy on this nozzle if the boilie dissolves quickly?

It’s simple – it makes sense to purchase or make instant boilies if you are supposed to fish for a short time. Most often this applies to those ponds in which there are many large specimens and there is almost no trifle. This is an important requirement, since otherwise the small fish will simply quickly eat the dissolved particles, and the hook will be naked. If there are only large individuals in the reservoir, then they manage to swallow the boilies even before complete decay.

The second option is to use soluble carp boilies for feeding. Some carp anglers attach them to the rig, while others simply throw them into the pond before fishing. Again, if there are a lot of little things in the pond, she can eat everything faster than the trophy swims up. However, if there are enough large specimens, this is a very good option to lure them. They will suit the aroma and will definitely not get saturated with particles, but will continue to search for food in this zone and peck at the nozzle.

Installation of dusty boilies

One of the main purposes of soluble balls is as a bait for hair tackle.

It is done like this:

  1. A leash about 50 cm long is threaded through the eye of the hook from the point to the forearm.
  2. A small loop is made at the end of the leash. For which they often use such a device as a looper.
  3. Using a boilie drill, a hole is made in the ball.
  4. A needle is passed through it to attach the boilies.
  5. The loop is hooked onto a hook at the end of the needle and secured with a latch.
  6. Stretching out a needle with a loop, put the boilie on a leash.
  7. A stopper is installed in the loop, pulling the ball to it, and fasten it to the tackle.
  8. Regulates the length of the hair.
  9. With a long segment of the leash, 7 rotations are performed on the forearm, where the hair is pinched.
  10. After that, the end of the leash is pulled into the eye of the hook, away from the forearm to the point.
  11. After making sure that the winding is even, the hair tightening is tightened on the hook.
  12. A loop is knitted at the long end of the segment, which will be attached to the shock leader.

Attention! To give the knot extra strength, you can apply a little special glue to it.

During carp hair fishing with soluble boilie, the rig should be checked every 30-60 minutes. If the bait is almost completely sprayed, it is changed. Why remove the stopper from the loop and put on a new boilie with a needle.

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Hook selection

The number of the hook is chosen taking into account the size of the fish you intend to catch, as well as in relation to the diameter of the bait. Purchase only branded carp hooks. Carp is very strong. When trying to get rid of the hook, he can make powerful jerks. He also has very thin lips. A thin wire hook can easily break them and the fish will leave.

Boyle diameter

The assortment of carp dusting boilies is now very large. The diameters range from 6 to 35 mm. Both small and large balls have their own merits. For inactive fish, it is best to use a small boilie.

One way or another, experts recommend purchasing boilies of large diameters. Firstly, this will allow you to get rid of the bites of little things, and secondly, it is a dusting ball, and it dissolves over time.

Boilie coloring

There has been a very long debate about this for a long time. There is information indicating that carp are distinguished by different colors, but there is also evidence that refutes this hypothesis. Therefore, it is advised to select the color of the balls, taking into account the depth of fishing:

  • pronounced colors attract the attention of carp in the middle water column;
  • dark colors are suitable for fishing in ponds with a bottom without aquatic vegetation, at shallow depths.

Do not forget, for the bait, you must choose a boilie of the same color as for the bait. This reduces the likelihood that the prey will be suspicious of the bait and ignore it.

Composition and recipes for dusty boilies

In order to understand why instant boilies work so effectively, you need to know their composition. By and large, it is not very different from the classic balls, however, there are differences in the production technology, since this bait must easily dissolve in water.

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Dusty boilies are made from:

  • amino acids, vitamin supplements;
  • ground cereals, cereal flour;
  • dips, attractants;
  • bone and fish meal;
  • sweetener;
  • molasses, betaine, starch.

Taking into account the manufacturer, other ingredients are sometimes used, but the most basic ones are described above. The most important thing is to have a pronounced and attractive aroma for carp. This can be achieved through attractants and dips, the latter can be in the form of sprays or liquids in a can, with which I process an already made boilie.

It is very difficult to roll up instant boilies on your own, as most of the required ingredients are very difficult to find. And even if you can find it, ready-made balls will cost more than ready-made purchased ones, but if you wish, you can try to roll the boilies yourself.

Making instant boilies

Instant boilies do not need to be boiled. A generic recipe looks like this:

  • corn flour – 40 g;
  • flaxseeds – 40 g;
  • honey – 60 g;
  • semolina – 30 g;
  • ground buckwheat – 60 g.

The dough is made from the described ingredients. Balls of the required diameter roll. Then they are laid on paper and left to dry.

Warm water recipe:

  • baby food (dry) – 50 g;
  • corn flour – 40 g;
  • vanilla – 10 g;
  • molasses – 50 g.

The most important thing with warm water is to use any fruit flavor, its smell, and the concentration is selected taking into account the peculiarities of fishing.

For spring and autumn:

  • semolina – 70 g;
  • corn flour – 150 g;
  • cake – 50 g;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • soy powder – 100 g.
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Buy or ride yourself?

Often there is a question of the following nature – to buy ready-made boilies or to roll on your own. Some people think that it is only necessary to mix all the ingredients and that’s it. However, in reality, this is a rather difficult, time-consuming and time-consuming job. In fact, it can take several days or even weeks.
It is faster and safer to buy ready-made boilies. In this case, you can be sure that they were made by specialists who know all the manufacturing features. And factories have a lot more technical capabilities to make a quality product.

For some reason, most fishermen think that homemade instant boilies are better than store-bought ones. But this belief is wrong. Just think how long it will take to check the recipe, set up experiments, look for inaccessible components, before actually something of high quality comes out. The balls that actually dissolve and attract carp, not the ones that will fall to the bottom and just become limp.

If you carefully study the recipes for soluble balls, you can understand that they are all different and sometimes just radically opposite to each other. And which one to trust is absolutely not clear. At various fishing forums, people often complain about some “experts” who promised that everything will be fine. They indicate that they tried to make boilies according to their recommendations, but something incomprehensible happened. And this is quite logical, because even if the composition is really working, there may not be enough suitable requirements at home.

Simply one of the most important steps in the production of soluble balls is drying. Which sometimes lasts up to 2 weeks, will require a specific temperature regime and air humidity. Hardly anyone has a dryer with a lot of indicators in their garage. Therefore, it does not come out to make something worthwhile.

Isn’t it easier to entrust everything to specialists with their experience and technical support. Because they check everything carefully, conduct tests and sell properly made boilies. That is, the independent production of dusting balls is a completely unprofitable process.

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