Pike Fishing in Late Autumn – Fishing Secrets

Choosing the right artificial pike bait is not an easy task, and it is on it that, in the end, the amount of fish caught will depend. This is especially true when fishing with a spinning rod.

Pike behavior in late autumn

If in a warm period of time pikes hunt along the coastline, among bottom shelters and lush vegetation, then at the end of autumn the situation changes slightly. This is especially pronounced immediately before the onset of winter cold weather.

When most of the food moves from the shallows to remote deep places, predators have to gather in groups to hunt from hiding places, which are not many. Having worked up fat in the summer, pikes have a solid weight, a huge reserve of energy and are actively fighting for life when striking. In addition, they are trying to gain more mass before the seasonal loss of appetite.

Toothed fish are most active in inclement weather with light rain. During this period of time, the most effective will be soft baits ten or twelve centimeters long, the fishing line must withstand a load of up to five kilograms, and at the end have a sensitive metal leash.

What pikes bite on in rivers

Many fishermen who spend their time on the same stretch of the river complain that the number of fish has dropped dramatically in recent years. If we talk about local species, this is possible, but if we take into account the species constantly moving along the channel during spawning, then this statement will not be entirely true. During spawning and seasonal movements, the waters of most rivers are full of fish. There is still a high probability of catching more than one pike on the river in the fall.

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It is possible to get a toothed predator in running water either in deep places with a moderate current, or, on the contrary, in a place with rapid water flows and an inhomogeneous bottom surface. Weighted silicone baits are used to hook pike on the course, while “weighted” is not synonymous with “big”. Large silicone bait during stepped classic retrieval after hitting the bottom will be carried away by the current. That is why it is better to choose small or medium-sized samples, so the fisherman can better feel the movement of the jig and respond in a timely manner to the bite.

It turns out that the bait – a giant in such a situation will only interfere, the only place where it will be useful – deep backwaters with minimal current. On the current, medium-sized artificial bait will work better, equipped with a pair of additional weights attached with special rings. The pike bites on them very steadily, the main thing is that winding rings with a diameter of at least 7 millimeters are used for fastening. For such fishing, both single and double hooks are used.

Pike fishing in calm waters

It is more than realistic to fish out a pike from the reservoir in late autumn; for this, a long cast or a calm sinking to the bottom into a plumb line is used. This technique requires the angler to prepare special equipment. You will need to stock up on vertical baits: vibrotails, balancers, spinning spoons, twisters. Before fishing, you need to carefully scout the area where the pike is. Fish can constantly migrate from place to place in search of prey, do not forget about this, it can look for food on the cliffs, at the same time using the features of the bottom relief for shelter: ditches, bulges, loose coastal shoals.

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A standard set of tackle for such a fishing method includes a short spinning rod from one and a half to two meters – they can both throw the bait over long distances, and vertically lower it down from the shore. Any reel can be used, both inertialess and multiplier. The rod should bend at the very end and have a test between thirty and sixty grams. If angling will be made in a plumb line, you can use a standard side fishing rod. For her, you need to choose a reel from which the line would slide freely and smoothly under the weight of the bait. The optimal model will be a typical spinning model for lightweight rods, as a rule, its class is designated by the number 1000. This will make it possible to lower the tackle to the required depth simply by throwing back the safety catch and adjusting the speed with your finger.

Weighty lures made of an alloy of brass and bronze, made in the form of stuck together plates, as well as any other types of artificial lures: balancers, vibrotails, twisters, are suitable as baits. For attachment, you can use jig heads or weight heads with an eyelet, which are better suited for such mounts. Very good results are obtained by fishing on a balance bar, which, when lowering, shifts from the point of descent and once again attracts the fish, provoking it to capture.

If this is your first fishing session on the pond, it is best to initially survey the bottom with an echo sounder. Having identified areas of fish sites, place foam buoys as a guide, and later proceed to systematic fishing of the selected places. It is better to put the marks slightly away from the casting point so as not to catch on them with the tackle.

It is worth examining the bottom surface with a snag very carefully, except for pike, here you can also catch pike perch.

Most anglers prefer not to deal with snag areas. In their opinion, this is fraught with snags and cliffs, but in most cases such areas are quite promising. Very often you can free yourself from the hook by jerking the rod. If, nevertheless, there are fears of breaking the tackle, you can stock up on a special device – a detachment.

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So that when moving your boat does not create unnecessary noise that frightens off the fish, you must carefully put all the devices in it: cuts, baits, cage, hook. When rowing, you need not create splashes, and when moving around the reservoir on a motor not far from the place you like, they muffle it and approach it with oars.

Fishing before the winter cold is possible at depths of four to eight meters, having previously, properly, having studied the habitat of the pike using an echo sounder. The anchor must be lowered and raised only at the back or front of the boat. It is necessary to pay attention to the wind, during which the predator attacks more actively. The difficult moment and the final stage is getting the trophy out of the water. The landing net will help here.

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