Catching grass carp on reeds

I want to tell you about one of the first and long-standing methods of catching grass carp on reeds with the help of an inertial coil.

Time and place of fishing

Cupid is not a predatory fish, its diet mainly includes coastal grass, algae, and of course reeds. The best time of the year to catch grass carp with reeds is early spring, when young reeds begin to rise. During this period, the fish have an excellent appetite.

The key to success in fishing is choosing a place to set your tackle. Cupid fish is very cautious and shy, so it will be better if you load your baits with reeds away from the camp, in a quiet place, as it will have to feed near the shore.

If you have figured out the place (usually these are quiet backwaters and rounding, where the current is not very fast, and the coastal reeds grow), walk along the shore and look at the fallen reeds that lie on the water, if the ends are bitten, then there is fish in this place, and she actively feeds there.

Tackle for reed fishing

It’s time to tell you how to install the tackle and what it is. I use a leash not from the same fishing line, but from monofilament No. 6, its length is about 30 cm. The main advantage of the thread is that it can be hidden in the stem of the reeds, disguised. The hook is tied with an ordinary fishing eight knot, and the other end to the fishing line.

Your reel should have a minimum of 60 meters and a maximum of 100 meters of 0.6mm line.

Why am I using so much line? The fact is that when a bite occurs, the fish tries to quickly quickly go to the depth. Since you are nearby, you need to be in time and hook the fish while absorbing the impact.

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White carp can reach very large sizes, up to 50 kg. Line loading at full length reduces the risk of breaking. Failures also happen, a large fish, gaining speed, can tear its lip.

The ratchet itself will be the bite signal. You need to put it in such a mode that when you unwind the line, it will make clicks. From here it got its second name, ratchet. If you haven’t made it in time, and all the line is unwound, the thickness of the line will come to your rescue, which is why I prefer the large number.

Reed fishing technique

Find a suitable place near the shore with a young shoot of reeds, and after breaking the stem, you tilt it down and dip it slightly into the water.

Remove the extra petals, leaving 1 on which you will plant the hook. By lowering it, you do not completely drown in the water, but only the part that is without the hook, raising it by half at the very edge of the water. The grass carp has good eyesight, and once again it is better not to give the fish a reason to doubt the bait. You just need to fix the line by slightly pulling the leash so that the fish can hook itself. And install the coils on the legs near the coast, sticking them into soft ground.

It is best to use 30cm stainless steel rods instead of rods. The main advantage is that there is no need to waste time on assembly and disassembly, besides, they do not take up much space. This is a good option to save money if, for example, you decide to get hold of 10 of these inertial “zakidushki”.

This is where the most basic work ends, and you just have to enjoy the silence and wait for your ratchets to work.

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